导读 您好,今天小编胡舒来为大家解答以上的问题。老人与海海明威现场版,海明威简介老人与海相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1...




3、这位风烛残年的渔夫一连八十四天都没有钓到一条鱼,几乎都快饿死了; 但他仍然不肯认输,而充满着奋斗的精神,终于在第八十五天钓到一条身长十八呎,体重一千五百磅的大马林鱼。



6、但许多小鲨立刻前来抢夺他的战利品; 他一一地杀死它们,到最后只剩下一支折断的舵柄做为武器。



9、 老渔夫,虽然老了,倒霉、失败;但他仍旧坚持努力,而能在失败的风度上赢得胜利。



12、 "Old Man" is the background story of the twentieth century Cuba. Lead character is a San Diego fisherman, called the Really supporting a child. The twilight series 84 days fishermen are not caught a fish, almost almost starve to death; But he still refused to admit defeat, but full of fighting spirit, and finally in the eighth 15 days caught a 18-foot height, weight 1500 pounds of big marlin. Towing vessel to the sea fish go, but the old man is still dead pulled tightly, even if no water, no food, no weapons, no assistant, and left another cramp, he did not lose heart. After two days and nights, he finally killed the big fish and it tied the boat. But many small sharks immediately come to rob his booty; He invariably kill them, in the end only a broken tiller as a weapon. The results, being eaten fish still escape the fate, eventually towed back to an old worn out to fish bones. He returned home in bed, had to actively look for from a dream, back to the past good years, to forget the harsh realities. Old fisherman, although the old, bad luck, failure; but he still sticks to, but can win the failure of manners. The performance of this novel, a struggle of life, even in the face is not to conquer nature, but still can be a moral victory. Maybe the result is a failure, but in the process of struggle, we can see a person how to be a true man of indomitable spirit.。
