导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。juice,stand这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!Do you like McDonald's? And what...


Do you like McDonald's? And what is your favorite food in McDonald's?


We all know that McDonald's is one of the biggest restaurant chains in the world. It has restaurants in more than 100 countries.


The story of McDonald's started in the 1930s in Los Angeles, USA. Two brothers wanted to start a business. First, they tried opening a movie theater, but it didn't work out. Next, they set up a food stand to sell hamburgers and orange juice. Although the food stand was successful, the brothers wanted something bigger.


At that time, more and more people were driving cars. So the brothers decided to open a restaurant for drivers. So the restaurant wascalledMcDonald's Barbeque. Its workers brought food like sandwiches to people who would wait in their cars.


Soon after opening McDonald's Barbeque, the McDonald brothers had to face competition from many similar restaurants nearby. They needed to think about how to make their own restaurant different.


The answer was to serve food faster and more cheaply. They also gave their restaurant a new name McDonald’s. That made their restaurant popular.


Soon, other people wanted to copy their business plan. The brothers sold franchises to open more restaurants. Later, they had big plans and wanted to open as many McDonald's as possible across the country. With a lot of hard work, they gradually turn McDonald’s into a world famous restaurant chain.


#2021生机大会# #2021加油带头人# #微头条日签# #今日头条#


A Ukrainian pilot who is frequently up in the sky trying to defend his country’s airspace from the Russian military says what Ukraine really needs to turn the tide is more advanced aircraft and weaponry – or else their pilots will continue to be "just targets" for the technologically-superior invading forces.

The 29-year-old fighter pilot, who identified himself only by his call sign "Juice", made the remark to the Washington Post after Poland – and now Slovakia – floated plans of providing Soviet-era MiG-29 jets to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s military.

"We’re ready to be killed," Juice told the newspaper, describing how the MiG-29 jets he flies makes him and his colleagues "just targets" for Russia’s more advanced aircraft. "But we don’t want this, of course. We want to kill Russians and take down their bombers that are killing our cities and our families."


on the piano 在钢琴上

some songbooks 一些歌本

near the window 靠近窗户

some cakes 一些蛋糕

in class 在课上

in your classroom 在你的教室里

big and bright 又大又明亮

watch TV 看电视

our classroom 我们的教室

open day 接待日

have some juice 喝些果汁

get up 起床

on the wall 在墙上

at a Music lesson 在一节音乐课上

two o’clock in the afternoon 下午两点钟

look happy 看起来快乐

in the cat’s mouth 在猫的嘴里

on my chair 在我的椅子上

under the bed 在床下

behind the door 在门后

in the basket 在篮子里

a map of China 一幅中国地图

a map of the world 一幅世界地图

in the music room 在音乐教室里

have a Music lesson 上一节音乐课

sing a song 唱首歌;唱歌

follow me 跟着我

sing together 一起唱

make a puppet 做木偶

play on the swings 荡秋千

play the violin 拉小提琴

play the guitar 弹吉他

put a book on your head 在你头上放一本书

have an ice cream 吃冰淇淋

after class 下课后

play basketball 打篮球

a Halloween party 一个万圣节聚会

like masks 喜欢面具

a pumpkin lantern 一个南瓜灯

play the piano 弹钢琴

like swimming 喜欢游泳

listen to music 听音乐

play table tennis with friends 和朋友打乒乓球

on Saturdays and Sundays 在周六和周日

open the door 开门

write the new words 写新单词

read the book 读书

draw a picture 画一幅画

drink the water 喝水

this red vase 这个红色的花瓶

in the picture 在图片里

Sunday morning 星期天上午

at home 在家

do housework 做家务

play computer games 打电脑游戏

eat the noodles 吃面条

put the flowers in the vase 把花放在花瓶里

make a model plane 做飞机模型

sweep the floor 扫地;擦地板

clean the windows 擦窗户

this afternoon 今天下午

show us how to draw it 给我们看看怎么画它

help me with my maths 帮助我学习数学

a camping trip 一次野营旅行

wash clothes 洗衣服

near the hill 在小山附近

do homework 做家庭作业

a big tent 一个大帐篷

a camping site 一个野营营地

a tin of fish 一罐头鱼肉

over there 在那边

a tin of chicken 一罐头鸡肉

two new blankets 两条新毛毯

a box of chocolate 一盒巧克力

some fruit一些水果

in the fridge 在冰箱里

an Art lesson 一节美术课

look at the blackboard 看着黑板

draw a circle 画一个圆

fly a kite 放风筝

on the paper 在纸上

make a card 做一张卡片

many circles 许多圆形

a PE lesson 一节体育课

have a PE lesson 上一节体育课

follow the orders 按照指令

give the orders 发出指令

stand in a line 站成一排

do some exercise 做锻炼


a warm-hearted gir


but she has big ideas of helping other kids


took part in a winter camp


at the age of eight


visit some kids in poor areas


didn't have new clothes to wear


returned home


kept thinking about what to do

(what to do= how to do it)


saw some elder kids selling lemon juice


raise money


came up with an idea


set up her first lemonde stand

(set up=put up)


only a little money


felt very excited


saw the smiles on their faces


start a program called Jane's Lemonade for love


up till now


raised more than $17,000


spend money on clothes, toys and books


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