导读 8月科学教育网小李来为大家讲解下。trigger线(trigger接口连接线这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!@推骨牌的人 今日发布两首...


@推骨牌的人 今日发布两首单曲、。

分享推骨牌的人 Domino Trigger的单曲《Weirweirdo 怪怪的》网页链接

《Weirweirdo 怪怪的》以钢琴 bassline 为基底,融合噪音、后朋克元素,是一首立足于根源之上,却在细枝末节处展现前卫先锋的歌曲。用捉摸不定的歌曲结构,对一种在自卑和自负两极状态之间切换的怪异心理状态进行描写。冲撞的吉他音墙与理智的人声在混沌中相互博弈,引入自我湮灭式的狂喜。

分享推骨牌的人 Domino Trigger的单曲《Ossified》网页链接

跳动不安的 lofi 钢琴和弦与阴冷的吉他 riff 构筑起封闭而空荡的内心空间,歌曲在几近刻板的鼓点声中推进,却又被突如其来的噪音打破。的核心器乐架构是重复而冷漠的,而人声却充满着感性色彩,用三段微妙的变化阐释着一种递进式的情感。面对萧条的街道,我们自我沉溺,并迎接一种扭曲的自我革新。当反常成为了一种机械的仪式,我们在浑然不觉中逐渐僵化,从 bones 到 brains。

昨天我的一个学生,高二,选了历史地理政治的组合,把她自己的一篇练笔发给我了,让我看看如何能提高一下。这是她的日常操作,从高一起就经常写社会热点事件,有些是单纯描写事件本身,有时候会用critical thinking的模式加入自己的评论和观点。她立志考新闻传媒专业,我感觉有时候人和人之间的差距比人和动物之间的差距还大,就她所写的内容,让我儿子用中文写都写不成这么条理清晰[捂脸][捂脸][捂脸]

Over the past month thousands of short videos

concerning the food addictives have successfully

attracted the attention of the Chinese people and

turned "science and technology", which used to

be a positive expression, into an extremely

negative one.

In the vedios, the vloggers showed the details of

the addictives and talked about the potential harm these addictives might trigger. One of the

targeted product was the soy sauce from Haitian, a famous listed dressing company which also

acted as a key member of the standards of the dressing industry. With the wide spread of these

videos, the public started to realize the possible

hurts resulting from the addictives and to turn to

the products without addictives.

Moreover the products of the same producer

exported to the foreign markets shown by the overseas vloggers stirred up the public rage about the differences in the addictive standards. In response to the public concerns about the.food safety,

Haitian released a statement through its attorney a few days ago and insisted that its products were strictly in line with all relevant regulations without illustrating the differences between the domestic products and the exported ones.

In addition, Haitian declared in its statement that

the vloggers invovled should stop distributing the false information and it reserved the rights to

bring the case to the court.
