导读 大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。Party,boys这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!Berkshire’s CEOs come in many forms. Some...


Berkshire’s CEOs come in many forms. Some have MBAs; others never finished college. Some use budgets and are by-the-book types; others operate by the seat of their pants. Our team resembles a baseball squad composed of all-stars having vastly different batting styles. Changes in our line-up are seldom required.

Our second advantage relates to the allocation of the money our businesses earn. After meeting the needs of those businesses, we have very substantial sums left over. Most companies limit themselves to reinvesting funds within the industry in which they have been operating. That often restricts them, however, to a “universe” for capital allocation that is both tiny and quite inferior to what is available in the wider world. Competition for the few opportunities that are available tends to become fierce. The seller has the upper hand, as a girl might if she were the only female at a party attended by many boys. That lopsided situation would be great for the girl, but terrible for the boys.

At Berkshire we face no institutional restraints when we deploy capital. Charlie and I are limited only by our ability to understand the likely future of a possible acquisition. If we clear that hurdle – and frequently we can’t – we are then able to compare any one opportunity against a host of others.





同学个个有hair cut、孭背囊,但家里不准何超转发型,没剪浏海,及腰长发中间分界束成孖辫。加上一个银色铁喼书包,当年潮不起。

小时候患哮喘,医生规定她放小息也不能走来走去嬉戏。 「会有sister看住我,我就企喺度睇人玩。」


但何超升中一时,未能原校直升,校方更要她做IQ Test,相当无奈。


「只有去disco先搵到一份认同感,13岁第一次去disco,好似成人礼咁!嗰次系哥哥(张国荣)演唱会after party,喺Canton disco搞慨。」何超说。





当年人们拿着杯酒,周围转台找人猜枚、撩人跳舞,梅艳芳和何超琼是枚后,训练到何超也猜枚不错,梅姐会找她挡Fans。 「每次有fans搵梅姐猜枚,渠会话,你同我猜得最差嗰个姊妹猜先,猜得赢渠再讲。」


有一年,何超跟她一起在红馆演出。 「梅姐话见我由彩排到就嚟standby都冇食过嘢,中间渠同我家姐出去食水饺,买咗30只水饺返嚟。」








如今她以另一方式圆愿,下月举行《Josie and The Uni Boys + The Flash Back Now Party》,找来著名舞台导演胡恩威和进念二十面体帮拖,音乐会结合视觉艺术,带大家回到80年代,享受disco辉煌盛世。今次音乐会唱足52首80年代中西经典歌,向难度挑战。



1、Harden is washed and a shell of his prime Houston years


2、I don't see why he would return to a young team that doesn't have a chance at a title. Unless, he just REALLY loves houston.


3、If that was the case he shouldn't have never left


4、If we get Wembanyama he might consider it


5、Somebody needs to teach these young boys how to drink, party, and go to strip clubs…..would be a great addition.


6、Maybe this is put out early so he can get a deal done with Philly sooner?


7、They'd have to fire Silas first


8、I'd rather have Westbrook


9、Harden probably thinking, "if I can't beat KPj....I might as well join him !!"

哈登可能在想,“如果我不能打败小波特... ... 我还不如加入他! !”

10、This feels like trying to re-ignite a failed marriage. Just move on from it.


11、Massive upgrade over kpj, any reasonable rocket fan would want him back.


12、Harden is the only free agent of real value that would even come to the worst team in the league. If he wants to come back, obviously you sign him. Especially with the picks likely going to OKC.


13、He's not coming back for the team, he's back for the clubs


14、I still think Morey will throw everything at him before that happens... but time would tell.


15、I'm not totally opposed to Harden coming back… but there is a certain desperation that doesn't sit well me.


16、Harden would turn Jabari into an all-star almost immediately.


17、Harden at 50 will be a better PG than KPj will ever be.


基础英语 第101期


It was the end of the term. Sandy and Sue were going to a school   1  . Sandy wanted to leave   2   the party, but Sue wasn’t ready at all. She had to   3   her party dress and had to comb her hair.

“  4  , Sue!” Sandy shouted,“Hurry up!”

“Be quiet!” Sue answered, “When I’m ready, I’ll   6   you.”

Then Sue   6   her mother two dresses,“  7   dress will I wear, Mum?” She asked,“The red one or the blue one?”

“The red one, Sue.”mother said.

Sandy sat down   8   waited. He looked very   9  ,“I’ve been waiting for hours!” he told mother.“Aren’t girls foolish?”

At last Sue was ready to leave, but their mother noticed that Sandy wasn’t wearing   10   shoes. He was not ready yet! “Aren’t boys foolish?”she said.

(    ) 1. A. party B. meeting C. work D.不填

(    ) 2. A. to B. in C. at D. for

(    ) 3. A. put on B. wear C. putting on D. wearing

(    ) 4. A. Come out B. Come on C. Come along D. Come in

(    ) 5. A. say B. tell C. take D. speak

(    ) 6. A. show B. showed C. gave D. give

(    ) 7. A. What B. Whose C. How many D. Which

(    ) 8. A. and B. then C. or D. but

(    ) 9. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. tired

(    ) 10. A. he B. him C.不填 D. his


基础英语 第105期


(    ) 1. Kangkang _______ the candles out in one breath.

A. blows B. blowed C. blew

(    ) 2. Maria sang a song _______ English _______ the party.

A. in, at B. in, in C. with, in

(    )3. Look! The boys _______ in the river.

A. swim B. are swimming C. swimed D. are swiming

(    )4.—Would you like to go to a movie this evening?

—I’d like to, but I have a lot of work _______ .

A. doing B. do C. to do D. does

(    )5. Please _______ this problem for me.

A. work hard B. work on C. work out D. work for

(    ) 6 Her father ______ her a birthday present yesterday.

         A give    B to give   C gives     D gave

(    ) 7 We made a birthday cake for our teacher _______.

        A hands    B by hand   C by hands   D in hand

(    ) 8 There are 18 candles ______ her birthday cake.

        A in    B to   C at     D on

(    ) 9  —Can you play _______ soccer?

—No, I can’t. But I can play _______ piano.

A. a; the B. /; the C. the; / D. the; a

(  )10. They are good at  _______ ballet.

A. perform B. performing C. to perform D. Performs

